Controlling price risk is one of the most important aspects to any propane retail business. Flashpoint Energy Partners specializes in helping retailers mitigate their fixed-price risk by employing a number of strategies but more importantly, determining the best strategy for each retailer based on their geographic location as well as risk tolerance. 
In many important areas, the propane industry is similar to how it was in the 1990’s. Suppliers tell the retailers what their prices are, how they will sell them the gas, where they will pick it up from. Retailers are left with little leverage.
FEP helps retailers gain control of the factors that are controllable. We shine light into the areas where a retailer can gain leverage. We equip retailers with the knowledge and tools to maximize profit margin from areas of their business they may not be optimizing. We educate retailers about the components of propane price and show them how to maximize profitability from each component, which has a trickle down impact to a retailer’s bottom line.
We will spend the time to determine what works best for YOU, where YOU live and work and offer solutions that will help maximize YOUR profits, as opposed to just offering a one-sized fits all, take it or leave it supply option that benefits someone else.